No comic reviews or comics talk since some time ago and today I wanted to share one of those comics that changes your life, in fact My Mom, my grandmother and this comic are the responsibles that I like The 1920`s.
When I was around 7 I received my first load of comic in X-mas time and I decided to be a penciler of Comics well this
this is the comic that make me decide to write and draw my own comics at the age of 8.
L`uomo de Chicago is one of those incredible stories done by Giancarlo Alessandrini.
Who is him?
If one day this comic gets into your hands please read it!
I stil have my copy in horrible conditions but I still have it!!
Enjoy your day!!...JESUS ANTONIO
ps:The first great twist plot I read or saw when I was young.
Its nice to see what shaped your life
hahah yeah it is really fun to remember!!
I was thinking also some time ago that this blog will give the idea of my future kids about the person I am...:). I can tell them go and check my life in that blog of mine :)
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