07 October 05

This is a post I wanted to do since sometime specially to the GREAT AMIGO Nik Havert, these posts will become our school in terms or understanding Mexican Wrestling, (I am no an expert in fact I am just a newbie trying to learn and understand the process of this Sport but this will be my school and his school to work on our project).
Let`s get into the basics.
You buy your tickets (a recommendation If You really like to enjoy people and the whole show go to the first row or numbered sits). I am trying to get numbered sits when I go to enjoy the show.
If you want to enjoy the show and the fights it would be better to get into the general sits and away from the danger of being near because sometimes the fighters can fall over you and hurt you.
You normally receive this brochure with the fights in the show. The way to read it is not from top to bottom on the contrary you need to read the paper from Bottom to Top. Even the lettering appears bigger according to the importance of the wrestler.
In this case there were 6 fights but regulary are only 5.
Is not only the fight by itself the attracting part is more about cheking who is going and to be ready to shout your guts out, curse and cheer to your favorite or non favorite wrestler.
In my town there are two important shows coming from the Capital one coming from the CMLL (Mexican Committe of Wrestling) and Triple A (AAAA is another association supported and controled by Televisa, one of the two most important TV networks in my country). Televisa airs both Association fights.
See tomorrow to let you know how it was the show.
Have a friggin great day!!!
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