Sherlock Jr.

Well I have some news...!!!
I was comissioned by a nice friend and a very talented artist to draw something for him.
Well what it is amazing is that He accepted to trade art instead of money, I will send him a mail tomorrow night thanking him and also telling him that next weekend I will start the comission.
My plan is to start a tutorial with the Comission I will try to explain how the idea evolves over these weeks till having the final piece.
He will ink a pencil work done by me...so that is incredible news!!!
In case you are reading this THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!!
I am keeping the name of him for some time so when I receive my inked piece You will recognize him, I can only say He is working where I want to work *sight* someday
(He says it would take some time but it doesn`t matter in fact I am plenty of time) so well happy day indeed!!
Great day to you!!
Watch Sherlock Jr a master piece from Buster Keaton.
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