I am coming from my date. Let`s call her Snoopy (for a weird reason She reminds me Snoopy).
Big upper lip, thin lower lip, big but nice and cute nose.She is really cute , shorty and wears glasses.
Well I met her some time ago and till last week I had the time to drink a coffee with her.
She is a friend of the girl I am going to Las Luchas and in an odd way realized We had Snoopy as a mutual friend.
We had a coffee downtown for several hours and We ended eating Tacos al pastor.
It has been in a long long time that I was not getting a hard time to speak about me, I know that I normally start shrinking the mind of the girl I am dating and I let her do all the talk,She is really smart in her perspective about life, in fact I knew We have some things in common I did probably the 30% of the conversation this time but I didn`t have a problem to talk about me.
I like what I saw from her but this time I will play kind of safe. This is the first time I was with her and I like what I saw but this time I will ask our friend in common to ask her If She got interested about me so in case She says She was I will invite her again and see if something comes from it, but in case She says that She is not interested I will only call the quits, I mean I do not want this time to form a pedestal as I did some time ago with You know who.
This time I will take my time.....
Have a great time and see you!!
How can she not be interested in you? I bet she is. Probably you are wise to play it safe but I like to live by the 'love like you've never been hurt' rule. I guess it does get tiring after a while though.
Love to you Jesus, you are a cute, lovely wonderful, genuine man and she's crazy if she's not interested.
Wondy x
You put yourself down too much Jesus Antonio.I know after youve been rejected sometimes its hard to believe anyone with like you again.But as Wondy has put so beautifully what woman wouldn't be crazy about you .
Take care
Hugs June x
I know what you mean, I guess I am just getting over protective about myself..dear June you have made me think about it and I am now clear in some things after reading the words you and Wondy have said...I will stop caring too much about it!1 and learn how to chill out more..
Kisses to you June and to you wondy!!
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