I was checking my daily mails and I then decided to browse over the net and I found this article written TODAY by Michael May.
I can only say THANK YOU for being so nice commenting on our project Rocket Girl, I can really understand many of the issues you mention in terms of the story and that is the great fun of it, because some of the plans in the story are to make the reader believe some things you mentioned and there are some obvious things that We are still working on it, I know that after these couple of years Nik has grown as a writer and I have as an artist so I know that RG3 will be more solid than the 2nd and I am sure that number 4 will be even more superior than the 3rd, and thank you thank you for being so kind with me and my artwork.
And as I told you I really want you to keep around with us, because this is our baby in many many ways and as I have said to Nik several times over the years I see myself doing Rocket for the long long future aside all the work I am planning to do!!!
Have a great day!! and Michael thanks again you help us to be better!!!!
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