Monday, December 11, 2006

Black Suit....or "Sufre Mamon"!

Yes, me again I still have that problem in my jaw but We finally found out that is just the joint of the skull and the jaw so I hope tomorrow or the following days to have the jaw in the right place, my brother says that is just a sign of being under a big amount of stress. I am on medication and I really hope to have my regular bite because it is really painful.
These are few photos I could take last Friday on the X-mas Celebration in the school where I teach, happens that is the only day in the year that I dress quite fancy in fact that is one of the reasons I shaved. I really had the ball that day and I was with people I really like (the blondie is one of my best friends and is expecting a child, the other with the pink blouse was my companion that day and I enjoyed it a lot because She is an amazing crazy friend, She even danced with me, and believe me I have two left feet while dancing, honestly I really like and dig this girl but I guess I am not on her list or her taste, but I really appreciate her as a friend :) ).
Yeah, The "Sufre Mamon" title is because they were playing music of Timbiriche, old but goodies from the 80´s and music from Hombres G.
In the overall I really had a great time!!

JESUS ANTONIO Posted by Picasa

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