Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Dreams in that written bow.

In recent days I have been really really busy and the few times I have free I want to use them in a creative way so this is another way I decided to use the hour free I had. I was posting that I have been watching korean and japanese horror movies recently and I wanted to have an experiment,I have seen in the series whispering Corridor that they used the same name for the main role and some elements and the rest depends on the story done by the writer so I wanted to write a short horror story involving these elements.

The main character will be named Tadako.
The story has to have a Death.
A cell phone or mobile.
A rite or a poem or any reference to the Victorian period or Gothic Movement.

If I am fortunate the great guys from Strange Corners will be as crazy as me and write a horror story using the same elements in their available times! :)

I have written the first part of three with the Prologue of the story, I hope you enjoy this time I am loading the English version and below is the Spanish one!

Dream©2006 Jesús Antonio Hernández Rodríguez
Scene One
Panel One.
Tadako in front of the bathroom’s mirror smiling after watching written in crayon over the mirror this:

“In visions of the dark night
I have dreamed of joy departed-
But a waking dream of life and light
Hath left me broken hearted “

Panel Two
Tadako still smiling while being sit over the bed is caressing the revolved blankets.
Tadako: when you promised me you will write poems every single day over the mirror I just thought that you were just kidding and now I just can not think of a day without those lines...I only think of you”

Tadako crosses from the bedroom to the living room where Iwa is sleeping over the couch.Tadako presses gently the forehead of Iwa with her hands.
Tadako: My dear Heaven, my only cherub I just can not live without you, you have the key of my heart.

In that exact moment Tadako remembers the day Iwa and She got a tattoo, He decided to have a heart shape on his chest with a lock drawn on it, while she had the key on her right hand, promising eternal love in just caressing and kisses.

Scene Two
Panel One.
Iwa and Tadako are sitting in a nearby bench inside the Amusement Park while Tadako is eating a sugar candy; Iwa is looking for something inside his school bag.
Tadako: What are you looking for?
Iwa: Nothing …nothing…ahhhhh I finally got it!!

Iwa is handling a pencil pen on his right hand and whispering to Tadako`s ears.
Iwa: Just close your eyes tight and do not open them!

Iwa hold Tadako`s right hand while She is giggling.
Tadako: Iwa, it tickles!!

After some minutes Tadako still keeping her eyes closed.
Iwa: Open your eyes and read!
Tadako has on her hand this written:

'Oh, love me! Love me!
Singing so sadly, singing so long--
Love me! Oh, love me!
I would give true love, so deep, so strong,
To him who would give true love to me.
Nought on the hill and nought on the sea--
Oh, love me! Love me!

Tadako is speechless and her eyes start to tear.
Tadako: Iwa come here, come closer…

She sets her written hand over his face and kindly kisses him.
Tadako: In you I can explain myself, in you I can live, if you die I will die too.

Sueño©2006 Jesús Antonio Hernández Rodríguez
Escena Uno
Panel Uno.
Tadako en frente del espejo de su baño sonríe al ver escrito en lápiz crayón

“En Visiones de la oscura noche
He soñado el gozo que ha partido-
Pero un sueño de vida y luz
Me ha dejado con el corazón roto.”

Panel dos
Tadako sigue sonriendo mientras sentada acaricia las sabanas revueltas de su propia cama.
Tadako: “Cuando me prometiste que ibas a escribir poemas cada día en el espejo pensé que estabas bromeando y ahora no puedo pensar en un día que no lea cada línea…solo pienso en ti”.

Tadako pasa de la recamara hacia la sala donde se encuentra dormido Iwa sobre el sofá, Tadako pasa sus manos sobre la frente de Iwa.
Tadako: Mi cielo, mi solo querubín y pensar que no puedo vivir sin ti que tu tienes la llave de mi corazón.

En ese mismo instante recuerda Tadako el día en que Iwa y ella se tatuaron, él un corazón con una aldaba y ella una llave en su mano derecha, prometiéndose en caricias y besos pensamientos eternos de amor.

Escena Dos.
Panel Uno.
Iwa y Tadako se encuentran sentados en la banca de un parque de diversiones y mientras Tadako come un algodón de azúcar, Iwa busca entre su mochila algo.
Tadako: ¿Que estas buscando
Iwa?Iwa: Nada, nada…ahhh ¡por fin lo encontré!

Mientras Iwa sostiene una pluma de escribir en su mano derecha le susurra al oído a Tadako.
Iwa: Cierra los ojos y ¡no mires!

Iwa sostiene la mano derecha de Tadako mientras Ella con una risa le dice
Tadako: ¡Me haces cosquillas!!!

Después de unos minutos Tadako sigue con los ojos cerrados.
Iwa: Ya abre los ojos y lee.
Tadako ve escrito en su mano:

“¡Oh ámame! ¡Ámame!
Cantando tan triste, cantando por tanto tiempo
¡Ámame! ¡Oh ámame!
Yo te podría dar verdadero amor, tan profundo y tan fuerte.
Para aquel quien pudiera dar verdadero amor
Nada en la colina y nada en el mar—
¡Oh Ámame! ¡Ámame!

Tadako quedando sin aliento, su mirada se empieza a nublar.
Tadako: Iwa ven…
Ella acerca su mano escrita al la cara de Iwa y lo besa dulcemente.
Tadako: Solo en ti puedo entenderme, solo en ti puedo vivir, cuando mueras moriré también.

Have a great time!!



wondy woman said...

That is incredible Jesus! You must write more!!
I want to read on x x x x

antonio said...

Thank you so much Wondy!!
I really want to become better and better...Did you recognize the poem of Poe and from Lily Gray...?

Glad you like it!!