Wednesday, January 31, 2007

My Little Conspiracy.

The amazing blog of my House (AACE) The Association of Comic Book Authors of Spain has posted an article about the blogs of the proud members and Well the one of truly yours is there too!!
Thank you so much AACE (Annita Bonita you rock!!).

The link in Spanish is here!!

So I decided to promote also the blogs of these incredible artists and friends so enjoy (SORRY THE LINKS ARE IN THE MAJORITY IN SPANISH, BUT ENJOY THE ART!!)

David Braña
My friend and writer of Evil War (You will see this week or weekend the first part of the work to show to editors, He is an amazing, amazing writer.)
Ioannes Ensis
One of my best friends and for me that is enough..He is a very good artist!!
Fry Navarro
Fry Navarro is a very good artist that I hope with the time to call friend!!!
Enrique Carlos
An Institution in the medium and an example to follow!!!
Dani Cruz
A great funny guy and a great artist and friend!!!!

Guys enjoy the blogs!!!

Great Day!!


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